Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Help The Post Office!

We all know there have been rumors that the United States Post Office is going broke and may shut down. Do we really want to see that happen? I don't know about you but I enjoy seeing what the postman brings me every day. It's like a daily surprise, sometimes good, sometimes bad. In this age of digital technology we seem to be more comfortable with email and instant messaging than talking on the telephone or - oh heavens! - writing a letter!

So, here is my thought. If every person in the United States MAILED out at least 10 holiday cards this year, we might be able to help in some small way. I have created a Facebook page for this event. It starts today and goes through Christmas Eve. That's for the norm. I also want to include in this the other holiday expressions. People of other faiths and beliefs. Perhaps I shouldn't have titled it "Let's Help The United States Post Office By Sending Out Christmas Cards" and just used Holiday cards instead. Oh well, you get the idea. If you would like me to send you a Holiday card please email me your name and address at I will send you one back. If you have a particular belief or custom that you would prefer I use, like Jewish holiday, Kwaanza, etc. please let me know. I hope a lot of people will get on board with this. Maybe in some small way we can help. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Lynne. While I don't think they're perfect and there are ways for them to save themselves, I do also think it wouldn't be a good idea to not have them. What happens when competition is gone? Prices raise, plain and simple because there's no check and balance.

    I just wish I could get ahold of someone that would listen in the PO and hash out some of my ideas. Like, when we're having a slow day in the retail business, what perks it up more than a sale? Why not have a sale on postal products? I know it wouldn't solve everything, but it's better than watching your business sink, right?

    Good thought. I'll do that this holiday season!
