Sunday, April 13, 2014

Once Upon A Prince by Rachel Hauck

Can an ordinary girl fall in love with a king in waiting? Well, if you ask Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge the answer would be yes. But if you ask Susanna Truitt the answer might be no. When she meets "Nate Kenneth" she thinks he is an ordinary guy and the attraction grows - on both sides. But he has responsibilities, and when his father, the King, passes away "Nate" abruptly leaves for home, which is thousands of miles away. Having discovered who he really is shortly before he leaves Susanna is okay with his departure. But is her heart? Is his? He knows his duty. He knows what he SHOULD do. He knows what he can't do. But his heart is telling him otherwise so when Susanna shows up at his coronation will he ignore her in favor of duty or will the sparks fly? Will they get the fairy tale happily ever after?

The author has done a wonderful job of taking the fairy tale romance in an adult direction with all of the feelings and frustrations that go along with duty and expectations. Along with that we get a bit of the story history that only enhances the overall plot of the book.

I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to live a fairy tale - even if it is only in the pages of a book. Or is it?