Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Amish Groom by Mindy Starns Clark & Susan Meissner

Wow. I loved this book! I love a book told in the first person and this one did not disappoint.

Imagine you had an Amish mother who left the faith and married your Englisher Father. Then imagine your father leaves you with your Amish grandparents after your mothers death to be raised by them while he starts a new family. But what if you never really understood where you belong? You don't feel right in the Amish world and you're not sure about the English world. So what do you say when the father you haven't seen much of asks you to come and stay with your 14 year old half brother in California while he and your stepmother are out if the country? This is the question facing Tyler when he gets that phone call from his father. Thus begins Tyler's journey to find out if he belongs in the Amish world or the English world.

This book takes the reader on a journey. A journey of self discovery and submission. The things Tyler learns while on this journey will surprise not only him but the reader too. In a lot of ways the reader can identify with some of the hurdles Tyler faced. Where does he finally decide he belongs? Well, if I tell you that then I would be depriving you of reading a wonderful book. Don't let this one pass you by. I was given a review copy of this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund

I really enjoyed reading this book. As with all of Ms. Hedlund's books I get a well rounded, colorful story I can relate to. As an added bonus I get a history lesson without realizing I was getting one until the book is over and I read the author notes!

This author has a way of taking a piece of history and making it into a story that is engaging, uplifting, and frightening all at the same time. This particular story had many facets to it and I thought it would be overwhelming to read. It was quite the opposite. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and found myself staying up late turning pages to see what happened next! Seeing how the author tied all the pieces together made the book all the more interesting.

Whether you like to read historical fiction or not you will enjoy this book. I highly recommend it. I was given a copy of this book by Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

Plain Again by Sarah Price

It is with a heavy heart that I write this. Not because it was a bad book, it wasn't, in fact it was great, but because we have to say goodbye to Amanda and Alejandro. When I read the title I thought to myself - uh oh, they're going to break up - and they did, but not in the way I was expecting. I was very pleased with the direction this book took. There were a lot of negative forces at work to make sure Amanda and Alejandro never succeeded as a couple and I am very glad the author addressed these issues and took care of them. Some in very surprising ways.

This was one of the few books I have read lately that didn't leave me hanging when the series ended. Ms. Price did a wonderful job of tying up all the loose ends of Amanda and Alejandro's story. I don't think I have ever enjoyed a couple as much as I did with Amanda and Alejandro. I will miss them.

I highly recommend this book. If you have not read the other two books in the trilogy please do. It's a wild ride but you will love every minute of it!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Trouble In Store by Carol Cox

I really enjoyed this book. I had not read anything by this author before but the book sounded good. I was not disappointed. I like a book that grabs my interest from the first chapter and this one did. It kept me interested right to the very end making me wonder what will happen next. The authors attention to detail richly enhanced the story and made it come to life. You will love Levi. Although he may be precocious to a fault, he is delightful. I will be looking for more books by this author and if they are as good as this one I will be eagerly anticipating her next book.